Thursday, November 17, 2011

Seeing through His eyes

What a week it has been. A great week. Full of different experiences and filled with a new sense of being transitioned. I feel I'm at home here. That probably has a lot to do with living with an amazing couple who have treated me as though I am not only their daughter, but also a princess:) It's an interesting feeling to have and an interesting place to be in life. I guess some would call it content. I am content. Not complacent, but rather content. Experiences this week included visiting prison with other women to love on some beautiful, yet broken prisoners; wisdom from a couple of very wise women; sincere worship with new acquaintances, another event for work, sharing my testimony with co-workers, sharing event reports, amaaazing discounts at j.crew, running, finding creativity within (reaching deep to find some:)) for work, and learning more about life. I would say my revelation of this week would have to be, to ask. Ask and He answers. So simple. okay let's be honest, it's almost a bit silly because it's just that simple. I was very specific this week in my requests to Papa God and it worked...amaaazing:) He actually responds....haha, but really, how often am I just general in my cries, comments, questions, etc with the Lord? if I were to get really really's easier when I'm writing it down...I would probably say the vagueness comes from a lack of trust, and the fear He might not respond. That all I believe and that who God is will fail with the lack of response. Extreme, yep, it is. But amazingly enough, instead of him failing, he is constantly reassuring as well as confirming the reality of who He is. Faithful. Loyal. Love. Good. Life. Freedom. Hope. I could keep going...
All that to lead into saying, what I understand and what I see is all ciphered through my experiences and the realities I understand to exist through them. So now consider the fact that man's heart is deceitful (Jeremiah 17) and how man sees the outside appearance, while God sees the heart. So He sees right through everything we do, say, see, feel, and believe. He sees through it.
So what does that mean to me? I guess my prayer would become, God direct me and give me your eyes, because the truth is I see and understand a lot of things that may actually be false and inaccurate. So I need His eyes. I need to see as he sees. Or better yet, I need to learn to trust his eyes as is voice guides me. If he is seeing the reality and the depth of everything from the beginning of time and through eternity, well I think it would be safe to say, his perspective is prooobably a LOT richer, and DEFINITELY what one would call, accurate.
 Papa give me your eyes, and teach me to be obedient to your voice, because you KNOW the ultimate path to life. I desire life; that is, life through your eyes.

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